Award-Winning Law Firm Creditor Law Group Committed to Challenging FDCPA Violations

Award-Winning Law Firm Creditor Law Group Committed to Challenging FDCPA Violations

PHILADELPHIA, PA, March 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — As if living with the burden of debt is not stressful enough, many consumers also have to deal with aggressive or unethical debt collectors, and the consequences can be profound. To safeguard the rights of American borrowers, the U.S. government signed into law the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) in 1978, prohibiting the use of abusive, unfair, or deceptive practices by creditors when collecting debts. Unfortunately, violations of this law remain widespread, and debtors often find themselves harassed by collection agencies, which further exacerbates their problems. As a law firm dedicated to defending consumers nationwide, Creditor Law Group is at the forefront of fighting FDCPA violations, firmly believing that it is critical to strike a balance between debt recovery and ethical, respectful communication for the sake of people in challenging financial circumstances.

“Despite the safeguards put in place by the FDCPA, many consumers still fall victim to unscrupulous debt collectors,” Creditor Law Group notes. “One of the most common violations is harassment, which can take the form of incessant phone calls, offensive language, threats, or intimidation. We also frequently go against collectors who employ deceptive practices to coerce payment, such as misrepresenting the amount owed, falsely claiming to be law enforcement or attorneys, and issuing threats of legal actions they have no intention of taking. Other widespread violations are false reporting and unauthorized disclosures, the latter potentially leading to breaches of privacy since they usually entail contacting friends, family, or employers as a means of shaming or pressuring debtors.”

Creditor Law Group has received wide acclaim for its commitment to fighting FDCPA violations, helping countless consumers assert their rights and get justice. The company offers free consultation to people who believe they are the victim of debt collector harassment and provides them with the tools to document all instances of unethical or aggressive behavior by creditors. “It is essential for consumers being harassed by debt collectors to know their rights under the FDCPA and report any violations to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau or pursue legal action. We cannot fight abusive debt collection practices without awareness and enforcement – these are vital for maintaining the integrity of consumer protections. Our team has proved its dedication and expertise in securing justice and peace of mind for borrowers who already have enough on their plate and absolutely do not need the anxiety and mental health strain resulting from debt collector harassment.”

Creditor Law Group is an award-winning legal services provider that specializes in defending consumers facing lawsuits related to credit card, medical, or other debt. Headquartered in Philadelphia, PA, the company boasts a team of experienced attorneys who provide assistance to individuals in or out of court, ensuring that consumer rights are protected and striving to identify the best solution to clients’ debt-related problems. Creditor Law Group’s practice areas are garnishment reversal and relief, legal representation of individuals in lawsuits filed by creditors, and defense against debt collector harassment.

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