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News Dhaka24


newsofdhaka24 is one of the popular Bangla and English news portal. It has begun with commitment of fearless. Investigative. Informative and independent journalism. This online portal has started to provide real-time news update with maximum use modern technology from make May 10th 2009. Latest and breaking news of home & abroad. Capital, national, international, Entertainment, lifestyle, special report, politics, economics, culture, education, information technology, health, sports, columns and future are included in it. A genius team of has been built with a group of countrie's energetic young journalists. We are trying to build a bridge with Bengali's around the world and adding a new dimension to online news portal. Always in search of truth.

প্রকাশক ও সম্পাদক: শরিফুল ইসলাম,
সহকারি সম্পাদক: সানজিদা আক্তার এশা,
নির্বাহী সম্পাদক: ফজলে রাব্বী,
প্রধান উপদেষ্টা: জামাল হোসাইন,
উপদেষ্টা: মনজুর এলাহী।

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