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Skill Jobs


Skill.Jobs has been developed focusing on our past 20+ experiences in the Global Job Market, particularly, the latest trends in the job field, skill matrix, technological advancement, demand and expectations of modern organizations. The organization has been originated from, the first ever job portal in Bangladesh and later renamed as Skill.Jobs simply to express the focus of the organizations and to concentrate more on its service patterns. The idea was to make our position more unique and specific while we work! has started its operation simultaneously in Bangladesh and Malaysia and soon it's going to start same in Australia UK and UAE.

Skill.Jobs will work as a hub to prepare the job seekers for the relevant industries through enhancing and developing skills of job seekers, bring opportunity for the job seekers and advocate for them to the HR world. On the other hand, Skill.Jobs will make the task of HRD vey easy and simple through helping them to fin